The Wheel of Consent-

The 3 Min Game for 2 people

Two questions, each one an offer. Take turns offering to each other (in any order). Offer #1: How would you like me to touch you for 3 minutes? (Please scratch my back, kiss my neck, bite my toes, hold me, etc.) Offer #2: How would you like to touch me for 3 minutes? (May I feel your arms, explore your back, play with your hair, etc – Do not offer to ‘give’ your anything, like a massage. This is for pleasure.) When you make the offer, you are giving a gift. Negotiate as needed. Never give more than you are happy to give. Each of the four rounds of the game creates a different role for you. Either you are doing or they are doing – and either it is for you or it is for them. Those two factors combine in four ways: – you are doing and it’s for you (Take) – you are doing and it’s for them(Serve) –they are doing and it’s for you(Accept) –they are doing and it’s for them(Allow) Each of the four is enjoyable and challenging in different ways, will teach you something different about yourself and will access a different aspect of yourself and your sexuality. The point is to distinguish between them. Ask yourself: Who is this for? Go slowly, start with short turns and neutral (nonsexy) body areas.


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